Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:
As part of the University of Miami’s proactive response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to safeguard the health and safety of our community and the broader communities we serve, we will be moving all summer courses to an online or virtual format.
Registration for the summer is underway and we want to ensure that everyone is aware of the summer course schedule and offerings. Currently all summer sessions (A, B, and C*) will be offered remotely. An earlier message communicated that Summer A (May 18-June 26) and Summer C* (May 18-August 7) would move to online instruction. This message confirms that Summer B (June 29-August 7) also will move to online instruction.
(* = Select courses in Summer C may transition to on-campus instruction later in the summer if it is deemed safe to do so.)
The Registrar’s office worked jointly with the academic deans to identify courses most popular among students, as well as courses needed to graduate and for academic progress.
Starting next week, the Registrar’s office will send a periodic email to students to introduce newly offered courses, and we encourage you to look for those emails and register accordingly.
Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their course selections with their academic advisors.
As President Frenk said in his video message Friday, we are planning to start the fall semester on time and on campus. This is our plan, so long as it is safe to do so. We look forward to a successful summer term and to welcoming you back to campus in the fall.
Karen J. Beckett
University Registrar
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