Dear Students,
As the spring semester draws to a close, we are pleased to inform you of some new classes, highlighted below, that are being offered online during Summer A, from May 18 to June 24. We encourage you to also browse other class offerings and to consult with your academic advisor if you have any questions. The last day to add a Summer A class is Friday, May 22.
Newly available online classes |
DAN 250 Y19 – World History of the Dance
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3029
Instructor: Ana Miranda
Course Description: Introductory exploration of dance history in relation to life, thought, and culture. |
CCA 206 Y191 - History of International Cinema
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3109
Instructor: Robert DeLellis
Course Description: This course is an examination of the origin and history of the motion picture. Narrative and non-fiction genres, in the American and World Cinemas, from 1890 to the present are discussed. |
COS 211 Y191 - Public Speaking
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 2854
Instructor: Shara Pavlow
Course Description: Introduction to effective audience communication including theory and extensive practice in oral presentations. |
JMM 102 Y191 - Understanding Media and Content in the Digital Age
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 1462
Instructor: Ana Francois
Course Description: This course examines how traditional and new media industries are economically structured and how various media content influences audiences and culture. Historical, technological, and regulatory issues related to the different media platforms will also be discussed from a comparative perspective. |
MCY 222 Y19 – African-American Song Traditions
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3522
Instructor: Melvin Butler
Course Description: A study of the origins, development, and styles of African-American song traditions from early plantation songs, shouts, hollers, and spirituals, to the development of blues traditions, to gospel. Areas to be explored include the development of an African American cultural consciousness and the political and socio-economic influences on the content and musical styles. |
MMI 173 Y19 – Introduction to the Music Business
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3627
Instructor: Guillermo Page
Course Description: This course provides students with an overview of the music business and related entrepreneurial fundamentals. Music business topics explored include copyright, publishing, the record business, licensing, the live music industry, and arts administration. Entrepreneurial topics explored include starting a business, accounting and marketing basics, and securing funding. |
SOC 369 Y19 - Crime and Public Policy
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3528
Instructor: Nick Petersen
Course Description: The dimensions and causes of the crime problem in America, and the uses and limits of the criminal justice system in dealing with it. We will examine the enormous expansion of the American prison system in recent years, and ask how much it has affected the crime rate. Additionally, we will consider a variety of possible strategies for preventing or controlling so-called "street" crime, both within the criminal justice system and beyond it-including prevention and rehabilitation programs as well as expanding social and economic opportunities. Along the way, we will pay particular attention to several controversial issues, including the death penalty, drugs, and gun control. |
SPA 202 Y19 - Intermediate Spanish II
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 3779
Instructor: Lorella Di Gregorio
Course Description: For students with previous study of Spanish at the intermediate level. SPA 202 focuses on the continued development of critical skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening in Spanish with special emphasis on the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. Themes on: relationships, cultural values, different historical perspectives, and current politics explored through articles, films, and literary texts. The course will develop writing and reading strategies, providing students with the tools to think, read, and write critically and analytically in papers of 1-3 pages. Progress will also be assessed through quizzes and exams. Course conducted entirely in Spanish. |
STC 334 Y191 - Social Media Messaging and Strategies
Session: Summer A
Class Number: 1441
Instructor: Alyse Lancaster
Course Description: This course will examine the utility of major social media platforms as they relate to strategic communication. Topics will include message and campaign development, targeting, engagement, writing across social media platforms, social media management, and analytics. |