Your hard work is paying off. Don’t take your eye off the ball, and let’s push this semester over the goal line.

University of Miami
Be Safe, Stay Well Logo

COVID-19 Health and Wellness Information

No matter where you turn, many people are getting restless and experiencing COVID-19 fatigue. I understand that it can be frustrating to live under numerous restrictions. However, your hard work is paying off and we only have a few weeks left in the semester. You have all been trying hard, and now is not the time to let up. It only takes one super-spreading event to negate all the sacrifices you have made on behalf of your fellow ’Canes.

So, remember, this is an endurance race, not a sprint. Don’t take your eye off the ball, and let’s push this semester over the goal line.

I could probably come up with more sports sayings, but I will leave you with this: you are the reason why we have been able to succeed at having our campus open when other universities have not. We are all one U, and I am proud to have you on my team.
Roy E. Weiss, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine
Chief Medical Officer for COVID-19


There are different types of COVID-19 tests that you may have either taken or heard about. Here is a simple explanation of each of them.
  • Molecular tests (also called PCR tests or viral RNA tests): Commonly done by taking a nasal or throat swab. Labs test saliva or other bodily fluid and look for genetic material that comes from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is the most accurate test and the one we use at the University of Miami for all our testing.
  • Antigen tests: Also done through a nasal or throat swab. Lab tests looks for antigens, or protein fragments, from the virus. While this test is faster than a PCR test, it also has a higher false-negative rate.
  • Antibody tests: This test is done by taking a blood sample, and tests the blood for COVID-19 antibodies. This test only tells you if you have previously had COVID-19.
There are many other COVID-19 test types currently being studied, including one that we will start testing on campus this week. The new method uses a breathalyzer that looks for the virus’s spectral signature and can deliver results in minutes. This test is only in the initial trial phase, but we are excited to be one of the sites chosen to evaluate it.
COVID-19 Hotline | 305-243-ONE-U


You may need to quarantine if you have been exposed to the virus and are awaiting results, or you may need to isolate if you have tested positive for COVID-19. Also, if you live in on-campus housing, you may need to relocate for the time that you are isolated. It is best to prepare for these circumstances ahead of time. You will not be able to go out, so make sure you have these items:
  • A journal/log to help you keep track of symptoms
  • Extra food
  • Comfortable clothes
  • At least a two weeks’ supply of prescriptions
  • Over-the-counter medication (Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.)
  • Toiletries like toothpaste, soap, and hair care items
  • Hairbrush and toothbrush
  • Tissues and toilet paper
  • Books, magazines, etc.
  • Phone and electronic devices (don’t forget about chargers)
  • Thermometer
  • Face coverings
  • Disinfecting cleaning supplies
Students who test positive will be given a Tytocare device so that we can closely monitor your symptoms and conduct a virtual physical exam. If you have not received one and have tested positive please write to

If you are isolated or quarantined, we are here to support you. Please call the COVID-19 hotline at 305-243-ONE-U if you have any questions or concerns. Those on the Medical Campus should call 305-243-8378.
Get your flu shot today


While there have only been a few documented cases of COVID-19 reinfection, it is essential to remember that we are still learning about this virus. Even though you may have already had COVID-19, it is not safe to assume you cannot get it again. Until we have evidence otherwise, continue to practice social distancing, wear face coverings, and practice good hand hygiene.


Telling the difference between COVID-19 and influenza might be even more difficult than telling the difference between COVID-19 and a common cold. They share most of the same symptoms.

However, there are important ways that COVID-19 does differ from the flu—it is more contagious, more deadly, and can be more severe.

Unfortunately someone can get both the flu and COVID. The combination of the two is likely worse than either one separately and that’s why we are requiring all members of our community—students, staff, and faculty—to get a flu shot this year.

The main takeaways: get a flu shot, stay home if you are sick, fill out the daily symptom checker, and see a physician.
Get your flu shot today


It can be difficult in stressful and uncertain times to stay positive, but having a good laugh helps improve your mood and is also good for your health. When you laugh, you increase the oxygen your lungs take in, which stimulates your organs and blood flow, and increases endorphins. Long term, keeping a good sense of humor and laughing can strengthen your immune system by lowering stress levels.

So, whether watching your favorite comedian or doing some laughter yoga, find some time, and have a good laugh.
We will share more health and wellness news in the next edition.


Students, faculty, and staff on the Coral Gables and Marine campuses who are experiencing possible symptoms consistent with, or who have been potentially exposed to, COVID-19 should contact the University’s COVID-19 hotline at 305-243-ONE-U, where UHealth physicians and providers are available to answer your questions and provide telemedicine services if needed.

Members of the Medical Campus should contact 305-243-8378.

For additional University of Miami COVID-19 information and resources, visit

If you are in distress or need counseling services, the Counseling Center provides mental health services through HIPAA-compliant teleconferencing platforms. Counselors are certified and available to help any time by calling 305-284-5511. Additional resources are also available by visiting
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