We are pleased to share with you this digital President’s Report, which provides a look at the University of Miami’s key milestones and accomplishments over the past fiscal year (June 1, 2019, through May 31, 2020).
We all have experienced firsthand the historic changes that occurred during this past year. These events, and our unified response to them, will be forever woven into the fabric of this University’s history.
As the report was developing, and stories came to life, an undeniable theme emerged.
Titled “Courage at the Crossroads,” this report reflects on the bold leadership and resilient spirit demonstrated by every part of this University community—students, faculty, health care professionals, staff, alumni, donors, volunteers—during these unprecedented times. We faced three simultaneous global crises in public health, the economy, and social justice. And we did it together, hearts open and heads high.
None of this would be possible without your generous support of and continued belief in this University and our collective power to transform lives through education, research, innovation, and service. We are grateful to have you as part of our University family and thankful for all that you do. |