Dear Resident Student,
We hope you are looking forward to your return to campus and have reviewed the information we emailed to you last week about what to expect when you arrive to campus. This message provides information about the University’s Spring 2021 semester COVID-19 testing plan, including information about scheduling your on-campus testing appointments throughout the semester, so please review it carefully and completely.
As was shared previously with the University community, all resident students are required to test for COVID-19 every week during the semester following the schedule as outlined below. Please note that residents of Lakeside Village and University Village will be tested twice each week via a breath-based test, which is designed to provide faster results.
Testing schedule:
Hecht: Mondays
Stanford: Tuesdays
Mahoney: Wednesdays (but Thursdays on Wellness Wednesdays)
Pearson: Thursdays
Eaton: Fridays
Lakeside Village: Twice a week, either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays
University Village: Twice a week, either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays
Make your appointment:
You will receive a text message with instructions for establishing a MyUHealthChart account (if you do not already have one) and/or to schedule your first test. Students who do not receive a text message by the end of the day Saturday, Jan. 23 should contact the UScreen team at 305-284-5390 or
After you have created your account, schedule your testing appointment for the week of Jan. 25 on the day(s) listed above.
Reminder text and email messages will be sent throughout the semester, however we strongly encourage you to set your own calendar reminders to make an appointment for testing to remain in compliance.
Testing locations:
Residents of Eaton, Hecht, Mahoney, Pearson, Stanford: Pavia Garage
Resident of Lakeside Village: Music Practice Room (located near Lobby A)
Residents of University Village: Albenga Garage
Before you arrive for your test:
At the testing site:
Have your ’Cane Card visible at all times.
Wear a face covering except for the brief moments during your test.
Show confirmation of your appointment time and the results of your Daily Symptom Checker on your mobile device.
A qualified health professional will observe you during a self-administered test.
The entire process should take about 10 minutes.
Text Notifications from Florida Department of Health:
Because of recent changes, the Florida Department of Health is sending text message notifications to all those who test in the State of Florida with their COVID-19 results. These messages are sent in a real-time fashion. This may come in advance or very close to the results being released by the University. Please know that the University will contact you directly if you test positive. Results are released 24 hours a day, and this may mean the University will contact you the next day. If you are positive, please isolate yourself to the best of your ability until you hear from the University on next steps. Please be attentive and responsive to any messages and/or calls from UHealth, UTrace, and the Florida Department of Health. All contact tracing for the University will be conducted by
the UTrace team and not the Florida Department of Health.
If you have tested positive previously:
If you tested positive on or after Nov. 1, 2020: You are exempt from this mandatory testing for 90 days after your positive test. If you tested positive outside of Student Health Service or UScreen please make sure Student Health has a copy of your positive test result.
If you tested positive before Nov. 1, 2020: You must test via the process outlined above.
Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19:
Please delay your arrival to campus if you are currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
Any students with symptoms of COVID-19, or those who are a close contact to a known positive person, will have access to timely testing at an on-campus testing facility by calling the University’s COVID-19 hotline at 305-243-8378 and selecting option #3. For more information, please visit the Student Health Service website.
Failure to comply:
If you do not comply with this testing requirement, you may lose access to the Daily Symptom Checker, CaneLink, and Blackboard. Additionally, you may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to removal from on-campus housing.
Visit for answers to frequently asked questions regarding this testing requirement and for the latest information about the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine will be shared with the University community as it becomes available.
Thank you for your assistance in helping to safeguard our campus community. |