Dear Faculty Colleagues,
Perhaps most inspiring over the past 19 months is the transformational relationship between teacher and student. We delivered on our commitment to students, including those whose arrival was delayed and those in quarantine or isolation (Q/I), by providing rapid access to course materials, recorded lectures, and other academic resources. Thanks to these efforts, we limited incentives that inadvertently put others at risk, resulting in no transmission of the COVID-19 virus in our classrooms, and we are a better university for it.
Lecture Capture: The Fall 2021 Semester begins in one week. Once again, our preparations must include considerations for Q/I and delayed arrival students. I encourage all of you to begin planning on recording your classes and making them available synchronously and asynchronously for Q/I students and for those whose arrival is delayed. For some courses, alternative mechanisms for providing access to course materials will be needed.
As I have met with many students over the past year, they raved about the importance of “recorded” classroom experiences, which transformed their interactions with their instructors from a transient moment to an enduring relationship, where they could witness and benefit from your expertise over and over as they mastered the material you presented. I encourage all of you to continue the practice of recording your classroom activities and making them available to all students.
Tools for Capture: You can easily record your classes via a laptop and Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Blackboard Collaborate, the same tools you use for video conferencing. We will continue to schedule 25 minutes between classes to support any necessary extra preparation. Closed captioning of your lecture can be enabled on these services to assist students with certain impairments and meet our obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Instructions for enabling captioning during virtual activities are available at Additionally, we encourage you to include this language regarding class recordings in your syllabi.
Attendance Policy: Faculty should still specify their attendance policies in course syllabi and enforce these with exceptions made on a case-by-case basis for students who are unable to attend class due to Q/I status or because of delayed arrival. We will continue to inform you if there are delayed arrival or Q/I students in your classes.
We have a lot to be grateful for. Our students are excited to return to campus, to learn from you, and to gain from your expertise, and increased retention rates demonstrate their commitment to their education at the U. We are among only 30 percent of universities nation-wide that committed to and achieved in-person instruction last year. We couldn’t have done it without you.
We will be sharing additional information to help you prepare for the start of classes as some regulatory and operational issues remain. I invite you to reach out to your deans with questions. The Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of Academic Technologies are also resources for you. We have a university-wide network of experts and support staff to ensure you and your students are ready for success.
With deep appreciation and respect. Go ’Canes! |