Dear Faculty,
Many of the COVID-19 preparations and safety protocols we have put in place are already familiar to you. We’ve made adjustments as warranted to adapt to changing circumstances, including the availability of vaccines, and have applied important lessons learned. These necessary steps will help protect our students, faculty, staff, and visitors from exposure to and transmission of the COVID-19 virus on our campuses and in our classrooms.
Please take a moment to review the latest safeguards below. These measures have been continued or enhanced since the spring semester. You may also want to review information in our Preparing to Teach a Fall 2021 Class in-person teaching guide.
Personal Safety Protocols
Face masks are required in classrooms and all indoor public spaces where two or more people are present. Please use this illustration on proper mask usage at the start of your class and/or include it in your syllabus.
A vaccine clinic has been opened on the Coral Gables Campus, to accommodate students, faculty, staff, and on-campus vendors over the next couple weeks at the StormSurge Room in the Hurricane Food Court.
Testing sites have been set up at Pavia Garage and McKnight Building, specifically for faculty.
Testing sites available to students are located at the Pavia Garage, University Village, Lakeside Village, Marine Campus and Medical Campus.
All residential students have received COVID-19 testing upon arrival.
In cases where vaccination status is unknown, students are required to be tested a minimum of once per week and up to two times per week if living in certain residential villages.
We have launched a vaccine incentive program for students to encourage COVID-19 vaccination.
Faculty and staff who have an approved vaccine exemption must test once per week, regardless of whether they plan to be on campus, to be in compliance.
Facilities Sanitation and Setup
Classroom furniture has been reset with appropriate distancing.
Plexiglass barriers have been installed between faculty and students if our social distance conditions are not assured.
Air handling and filtration systems have been refreshed again this year and are comparable to medical air filtration. HVAC preventative maintenance and MERV13 filter replacement have been completed.
Hand sanitizers and wipes have been placed in classrooms and will be replenished on a daily basis, or as needed.
We have applied an antimicrobial protectant spray in classrooms, and nightly sanitation, including application of antimicrobial protectant spray, will be conducted in all classrooms.
There will be enhanced cleaning in common area spaces and classrooms.
Campus Signage
“Mask Required” signage installed in classrooms and common areas.
A-frame signage and digital signage is being utilized throughout campuses reminding the University community to wear masks.
“Hand washing” signage installed in restroom areas.
Additional outdoor seating is being installed to help maintain safe distancing.
Elevators will display footprint graphics to help maintain appropriate social distancing.
This list is not comprehensive but is rather a summary of key safeguards that, along with other measures, are being taken to ensure a safe campus environment. We are committed to updating and revising our policies and guidelines as new information becomes available, and we will communicate any changes.
CDC guidelines focus on the strict use of masks, comprehensive sanitation, and maintenance of appropriate social distance. As we have shared before, the University has had zero cases of classroom transmission of the virus, and unlike last fall semester, we now have high levels of vaccination among students, faculty, and staff, which provides increased protection against infection and transmission.
It is important to note that the CDC has indicated that classrooms are an unlikely source of transmission. While the CDC offers guidance on social distancing in K-12 settings, no such guidance exists for higher education institutions, therefore, our experts recommend an average of two feet of separation with the greater dimension in the front-back direction due to respiration.
As faculty, your commitment to modeling these behaviors and promoting these protocols will help us limit the spread of COVID-19 and help to ensure a healthy and safe 2021-22 academic year. For the latest information and guidelines, please visit |