Coursehero Copyright Infringement Information

August 25, 2021

Dear Colleagues,
We were recently made aware that materials from several University of Miami courses are available for students at the website It is not evident if these materials are faculty-created or not. In an abundance of caution, we are writing to remind you that, under our Faculty Manual, faculty members are the owners of the copyrights to their works. As such, each one of you whose materials are found there should reach out to the website ( and request that the materials be taken down. 
The Cornell University library provides a website——that includes extensive guidance on how to search for reposted course materials and how to request the removal of infringing material. The site also includes sample letters requesting that the materials be taken down.
If you reach out to the website and the material is not removed, please let us know so that we can enlist the support and guidance of our Office of the General Counsel.
As well, please remind your students, through notices in your syllabi, that your course materials are protected by copyright laws and that misuse of the materials is a violation of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. You should also include the copyright symbol © on the materials along with your name and date created.
Thank you, as always, for your time and attention.

Guillermo (Willy) Prado
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs


Maria Galli Stampino
Dean of Undergraduate Affairs
Copyright © 2021 University of Miami Graduate School, All rights reserved.

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